But that quarter included a one-time loss of$ 1.7 billion related to an investment in the firm from Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group. 但那个季度的业绩结果中包括了一项一次性亏损17亿美元的费用,这项费用与日本三菱日联金融集团(MitsubishiUFJFinancialGroup)在该银行的一笔投资有关。
In London, the Japanese financial group Nomura says it will cut up to1,000 jobs in its British operation. 日本金融集团野村表示,公司将削减多达1千个设在英国的职位。
All financial group and big enterprise in status of bankrupted or going to be closed are because of only borrow but return, so financial storm come to be their funeral. 凡是已经倒闭和处于倒闭的世界各大财团和大企业都是因为只贷不还的企业,所以金融风暴成为他们的葬礼!
We are No.1 Financial Group in Asia, the most preferred RFS consultants providing best financial solutions. 我们是亚洲理财第一团队,为顾客提供最佳的理财良策,是最谨慎、最值得信赖的财策顾问。
Stanford financial group the collective name used by Sir Allen to describe his businesses is not the key controlling company in the conglomerate, but rather the concept that binds it together. 斯坦福金融集团是艾伦爵士对其各类业务的总称,并不是集团中的主要控股公司,而是将集团凝聚在一起的概念。
Free movement of assets and liquidity among members of a financial group without the consent of the host supervisor could end in tears. 在未得到所在地监管机构批准的情况下,允许资产和流动性在一家金融集团的各成员之间自由流动,可能会以悲剧收场。
Provide special fund hold out for every state's bank, government, financial group and enterprise of the world, and monitor usage on specified purpose. 为世界各国银行,政府,财团,企业提供专项资金支持,并监督专款专用。
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has cut the term of its holdings from more than three years to less than two years. 三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)已经将其持有的债券期限从三年以上缩短到两年以下。
JPMorgan executives dismissed concerns that Mr Braunstein might have a steep learning curve to master the accounting and financial complexities of a large and diversified financial group. 有人认为,在掌握一个多样化经营的大型金融集团的会计和金融复杂性方面,布劳恩斯坦可能面临一条陡峭的学习曲线。对于这种说法,摩根大通的高管们予以驳斥。
Not if you believe a startling presentation I saw this week from a large, global financial group. 如果你相信我本周从一家大型全球金融集团那里看到的一份令人吃惊的陈述,答案是否定的。
Citigroup's rivals are lobbying the government to shackle its investment banking business and international operations if the authorities nationalise or take a large stake in the troubled financial group. 花旗集团(Citigroup)的竞争对手们正在游说美国政府:如果政府要将这家陷入困境的金融集团国有化,或是收购其大量股权,那么就要限制其投资银行业务和国际业务。
The settlement between the securities and Exchange Commission and general electric, the industrial and financial group, suggests a new willingness by the regulator to act more aggressively in cases involving big companies. 美国证券交易委员会(sec)与工业及金融集团通用电气(ge)达成的和解表明,这家监管机构愿在涉及大企业的案件中采取更为凌厉的行动。
Chinatrust Financial, a big financial group, earlier announced plans to issue new shares through private placement or public issuance. 大型金融集团中国信托金融(chinatrustfinancial)早些时候宣布,计划通过私募或公开发行方式发行新股。
The Combination Experience and Transformation Process Of Mizuho Financial Group 日本瑞穗金融集团整合经验与转型历程
Following a disastrous 2007 investment in Fortis, the failed Dutch-Belgian financial group, Ping An has clearly shifted its attention to expanding in the domestic Chinese market, particularly in the banking sector where it is a relative newcomer. 继2007年投资比利时-荷兰金融集团富通集团(fortis)遭遭惨败后,平安显然已将注意力转到了国内市场拓展方面,特别是其涉足不深的银行业领域。
The cash deal, which triples OCBC's private banking funds to$ 23bn, marks the latest asset disposal in the region by a troubled western financial group. 上述现金交易令华侨银行的私人银行业营业资本增长了两倍,达到230亿美元。这是境况不佳的西方金融集团在亚太地区的最新资产处置举措。
Citi did not say whether Mr Klein, 44, would move to another financial group. 花旗没有透露44岁的克莱恩是否会加入另一家金融集团。
Most investors had assumed the US government would never let a large financial group fail. 多数投资者一直以为美国政府不会坐视一家大型金融机构破产。
Instead, what is worrying this particular Asian financial group is tax. 实际上,这个特定亚洲金融集团担心的是税收。
The future of Fortis was thrown into doubt yesterday when shareholders voted against selling parts of the financial group to BNP Paribas, the French bank, and against the nationalisation of the banking and insurance group in the Netherlands. 富通(Fortis)公司股东昨日投票反对将这家金融集团部分业务出售给法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas),并反对将位于荷兰的银行和保险集团国有化,这令人们对该公司的未来引起疑虑。
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has been waiting for years to get permission to open a branch in Dalian, the coastal Chinese city closest to Japan. 多年来,三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)一直等待获得在大连开设分行的许可,大连是距离日本最近的一个中国沿海城市。
Furthermore, while European financial group issuance may be at its lowest since 2003, corporate bonds are having one of their best years as companies take advantage of the low interest rates to stock up on cash. 除此之外,虽然欧洲金融企业的债券发行量或处于2003年以来的低点,今年成为其他非金融类企业债券发行情况最好的年份之一,这是因为企业能够利用利率处于低位之机大量囤积现金。
The companies has numerous strategic cooperative partners and join enterprises in the whole world, especially with some famous social organization, corporations and financial group held by overseas chinese, there are intimate relationships with our company. 公司在全世界拥有众多的战略合作伙伴和加盟企业,特别是海外华人知名社会团体、企业、财团等,均与公司有着密切的合作关系。
Since the ongoing financial crisis has caused global panic, our Financial Group have to carry out financial business while doing preparation, to alleviate financial crisis. 鉴于目前已经发生的金融危机引发全球性的恐慌,本财团只能一边筹备一边开展金融业务,以缓解金融危机。
I am the initiator of this financial group, also be the biggest investor. 我是这个财团的发起人,也是最大的投资者。
It is bringing only competition and not business, says Joseph Tong, executive director at Sun Hung Kai Financial Group, Hong Kong's largest local non-bank financial institution. 香港本土最大的非银行金融机构&新鸿基金融(SunHungKaiFinancial)执行董事唐登(JosephTong)表示:新协议只带来了竞争,而没有业务。